I’ve included most common questions on my homepage with some other FAQs below.

If your question is not answered, please call 01325 722505 or contact me and I’ll be happy to answer them.

You might find my blog videos helpful too.

What’s the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling?

The terms psychotherapy and counselling are both used to mean a talking therapy for treating emotional and psychological issues without drugs. The words are often used to mean the same thing and the terms at times become interchangeable.

Psychotherapy can have a very generalised meaning. For example reading a book or taking a walk can be “therapeutic” as it can reduce stress and anxiety. It could be considered a form of psychotherapy.

Also “Psychotherapist” could be a description of anyone who provides therapy to help with emotional problems. These terms however have a more specific meaning that is important to be aware of.

The Power of Persuasion?

Most counsellors would agree that when they see a client for the first session they quickly see what they would benefit from.

They can see the change that would greatly improve their lives and make them happier. Seeing problems and their solutions in others is not particularly difficult. All of us can spot what we can’t so easily see in ourselves…

Strict Confidence

Be assured that all information will be held in strict confidence. As a UKCP registered psychotherapist I commit to respect, protect and preserve the confidentiality of my clients.